Food Initiatives|Torilabo proposes a better global environment for people through the use of mineral water

Food Initiatives

Everyday health through improved product quality.

Not just human beings, microorganisms and crops also live by the blessings of water. Torilabo is conducting diversified product development in order to create higher quality water - the substance that is the basis of all living things.

Agricultural produce

Agricultural practices have changed through the ages. In order to provide vegetables to the market year round, the method raising out of season crops with artificial heat is utilized. As a result, an excess of chemical fertilizers and agricultural chemicals are used, and produce with insufficient nutrient balance are now being offered to the market.

Neutralization / reduction of agricultural chemicals
Pursuing better agricultural practices.

At Torilabo we are not proponents of the elimination of the use of agricultural chemicals. Ensuring that chemical residuals do not remain in produce is necessary. We are working on creating products that purify the soil of where the agricultural crops grow, and activate soil bacteria to make soil fertile.

Aquaculture / Seafood / Livestock

Antibiotics are routinely added to livestock feed for the prevention of infectious diseases and for the promotion of growth in the animals. However, as stated by the World Health Organization in November, 2017, misuse of antibiotics is not desirable. Not just for fertilizers, but it also leads to a decline in quality.

Neutralization / reduction of antibiotic use
Our goal is for higher quality in livestock and aquaculture.

In response to the misuse of antibiotics in livestock and aquaculture, Torilabo is responding by developing products that offer mineral balance. Not just fertiliser, these products can be used for livestock and aquaculture resulting in superior quality livestock and live fish with better balance.


There are many kinds of food additives: antiseptics, artificial sweeteners, synthetic colors, synthetic preservatives, antioxidants, bleaching agents, and so on. And so in fact we have a lot of additives in our bodies. Also, not just the physical health of the body, but also with the changes in society in recent years, the number of people who suffer from mental illnesses has also increased.

Neutralization / reduction of additives
We will create healthy bodies and minds.

At Torilabo we offer products that supplement missing nutritional elements for a healthy lifestyle. In addition, we are contributing to the development of systems that ensure beautiful clean water for hot springs and accommodation facilities, thus helping to create an environment where both the mind and body can be refreshed.

Towards a future full of hope - through improving the vitality of livings organisms

Chemical-based artificial additives for foodstuffs and agricultural uses have their merits, but they’re not all good news. At Torilabo we will work to contribute to ensuring a future full of hope by continuing to develop products that improve vitality.